Sunday, January 1, 2012

This is what Cee Lo really should have sang

If Cee Lo wanted to turn John Lennon's provocative and sharply challenging song into a warm fuzzy group hug, why didn't he go whole hog? Here's what he should have sung:

Imagine dogs go to heaven
And kitties too, why not?
Hell is only for Hitler
Any maybe for Pol Pot

Imagine all the people not thinking much today

Imagine we helped some countries
Marginally improve
Nothing too hard or controversial
(Don't knock their religion, dude!)

Imagine all the people with UN troops keeping the peace

You, you may say I'm a coward
But I'm just an average joe
I hope some day you'll just give up
And we'll preserve the status quo

Imagine more possessions
For those of us who lack
We'll keep the greed, just not the hunger
And a progressive income tax

Imagine all the people with slightly less income inequality

You, you may say I'm a coward
But I'm just an average joe
I hope some day you'll just give up
And we'll preserve the status quo


  1. Awesome. (No, wait, that's on Time's list of banned words for 2012.)


  2. Excellent!

    If he didn't want to sing an atheist song, why pick one? It's not like there is a shortage of smarmy, vaguely "spiritual" songs he could have chosen.
